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【散水餅推介 | Farewell Gift】幸運曲奇句子逐個睇

Stay Positiveve

Updated: Oct 26, 2021

離職時last day會挑選散水餅給同事,留下最後印象,感激一路以來的指教,是香港的獨特文化之一,想表達你的情感,但不知如何開口,可以幸運曲奇作散水餅!把情深説話放在曲奇裏面,同事朋友一開一食邊看到紙條,驚喜滿分!而且吃完餅,還有紙條留下,讓你的字句一直留存!以下是熱門的散水餅句子,看看哪句能觸動你心:


散水餅感謝句子 (中文版)

  1. 感恩在這裏遇到你,後會有期。祝身體健康!

  2. 承蒙照顧,有緣再會

  3. 親,謝謝你的照顧,有緣再會!

  4. 謝謝一路以來的關照,一切珍重,工作順利

  5. 工作時開心一點不必掛念我。謝謝指教,後會有期。

  6. 感謝你給過我的回憶,一切在心中,有緣再見

  7. 祝 準時收工!! 加薪唔加辛!

  8. 謝謝你的關顧,令我的生命添上色彩

  9. 十分慶幸能與你共事,後會有期。祝身體健康!

  10. 祝 工作順利 江湖再見!

  11. 輕鬆!人生好苦,但我地要甜!

  12. 走先啦 係咁先啦 下次再玩啦

  13. 幾忙都好 最緊要照顧好自己身體!

  14. 每一場相遇都是緣分,感恩與各位遇上。

英文感謝句子 (Gratitude quotes)

  1. Goodbye! Wish you all the best and thanks for everything!

  2. It’s a pleasure to have worked with great colleagues like you. Stay Healthy!

  3. Having awesome colleagues is a bad habit, because it’ll be impossible to work with someone else.

  4. Thanks for the memories. Hope to see you again in the near future.

  5. Thank you for being such an important part in my journey.

  6. Chance made us colleagues, but our craziness made us buddies.

  7. Every story has an End but in life every End is just a new Beginning.

  8. Thanks so much for your love and caring. See you and stay healthy.

  9. Dear, you make saying Goodbye so hard. Love you!

  10. It’s not a goodbye, it’s a see you later.

  11. With gratitude and thanks, hope our path will cross in the future again!

  12. 404: Joey is not found, are you looking for Bryan?



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